Another interactive music video in the Short Shot this week, this music documentary is a collaboration between Belgium band dEUS, Amsterdam based production company Prospektor and director Tomas Kaan Hidden Wounds shows what life looks like after war, when soldiers have to return home after they have fought for their country. They have to go back to their usual everyday life after they have seen the most horrifying things at the front. For this experimental documentary, Tomas Kaan followed many veterans, from South-Carolina to England, through Belgium back to The Netherlands. Although their experiences may differ, they all suffer from the same hidden wounds. Post-traumatic stress disorder hits almost all veterans, young or old, wounded or physically completely healthy. Hidden Wounds premièred during IDFA last November, and was also nominated for IDFA DocLab Competition for Interactive Documentary. To view the actual interactive documentary, where you can hear all the quotes and stories from the veterans, click here.

Short Shot